Auvisoft Audio Converter - Convert audio formats AAC, AC-3, GSM, MP2, MP3, OGG, VOX, WAV, WMA
Auvisoft Audio Converter 2.9
Auvisoft Audio Converter converts audio formats AAC, ADPCM, Dolby Digital AC-3, GSM, MP2, MP3, OGG, VOX, WAV, WMA from one to another, such as converting MP3 to WAV and WMA, WAV to MP3 and WMA.
Auvisoft Audio Converter supports the ability to convert one audio format to the same format with different audio encoding parameters such as resampling, tag information and bit rate etc.
Auvisoft Converter's easy-to-use interface makes it easy to convert multiple files in a single batch, regardless of their sources and target formats.
Click here for more information about audio formats

- Convert mp3 to ogg, mp3 to wav, mp3 to wma
- Convert ogg to mp3, ogg to wav, ogg to wma
- Convert wav to mp3, wav to ogg, wav to wma
- Convert wma to mp3, wma to ogg, wma to wav